Görög-latin szerzők, papiruszok, feliratok
Ancient History Sourcebook | APIS - Advanced Papyrological Information System | Archimedes Palimpsest |
Aristarchus | Bibliotheca Latina | Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World |
Diogenes Search and browsing tool for Greek and Roman texts | Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg | F.E.R.C.A.N. Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum ANtiquanum |
Graeca im Internet | Hispania Epigraphica Roman Inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula | Musisque deoque un archivio digitale di poesia latina |
Patrologia Latina Database (PLD) | The PERSEUS Project (Tufts University) | Thesaurus Linguae Graecae A Digital Library of Greek Literature |
Víteliú - The Languages of Ancient Italy The Languages of Ancient Italy |
Vissza |