Új könyvek az Antik Gyűjtemény könyvtárában, 2015/4
Koehl, R. B. (ed.):
AMILLA. The Quest for Excellence
Studies Presented to Guenter Kopcke in Celebration of His 75th Birthday
Prehistory Monographs 43.
Philadelphia, 2013
Sarti, S.:
The Campana Collection at the Royal Museum of Art and History (Brussels)
Études d’Archéologie 4.
Bruxelles, 2012
Mazarakis Ainian, A. (ed.):
The “Dark Ages” Revisited
Acts of an International Symposium in memory of William D. E. Coulson, University of Thessaly, Volos, 14–17 June 2007
Volume I–II.
Volos, 2011
Aversa, G.:
I tetti achei
Terrecotte architettoniche di età arcaica in Magna Grecia
Tekmeria 15.
Paestum, 2012
Bedini, A. – Tronchetti, C. – Ugas, G. – Zucca, R.:
Giganti di pietra
Monte Prama. L’Heroon che cambia la storia della Sardegna e del Mediterraneo
Cagliari, 2012
Attema, P.A.J. – di Gennaro, F. – Jarva, E. (a cura di):
Ricerche internazionali in un centro latino. Archaeology and identity of a Latin settlement near Rome
Groningen, 2013